The Brit Writers' Awards (BWA) continue to push the publishing boundaries with their new 2011 Publishing Program, in which writers are selected to be mentored through the publishing process and taken to publication with a reputable, traditional publishing house by the end of 2011.

The BWA have worked through the first round of submissions to select their first participants, who represent a diverse group spread throughout the UK and including one Australian candidate.

Naomi & Corinne Fowler
Sali Gray
Dave Hadrian
Sinead Gillespie
Claire Kinton
Georgina Kamsika
Sakthi Mayi
Lynn McInroy
Leanne Meredith
Kenneth Pratt
Arthur Putschker
Spencer Ratcliff
Beryl Roberts
Tony Stowell
Eiry Rees Thomas

Publishing Program Group 2

Leela Attfield
Kerry Baxter
Jane Black
Robert F. Coles
Joeann Davison
Hazel Eggleton
Liz Fisher-Frank
Ruth Heald
Julie Le Baigue
David Logan
Charlotte McEwan
Samantha Naik
Pam Nixon
Michael E. Oren
Martin Perry
Catriona Reeby
Stephen Regan
Paddy Tyrrell


Sinead Gillespie
Claire Kinton
Leanne Meredith
Paddy Tyrrell